OMN'IEA L’OMNIBUS DE L’IEA Une seule enquête, plusieurs clients un résultat rapide, un petit budget!

photo omni

Le principe

These are surveys that involve several clients at once, covering various topics, conducted in a single fieldwork phase with a large representative sample. They are carried out regularly.



  • A global view in optimal time: A large and representative sample across the entire territory.
  • Speed: Maximum compression of deadlines, providing almost immediate responses to urgent questions.
  • Cost minimisation: Study costs are shared among multiple clients.
  • Flexibility and adaptation: Clients can choose the number of questions they wish to ask.
  • Exclusivity of results: Each client only has access to their own results!


Étude téléphonique (CATI) par composition aléatoire en respectant des parts de marché des opérateurs téléphoniques selon les derniers chiffres de l’INT.

Échantillon de 1000 personnes âgées de 18 ans & plus, représentatif de la population tunisienne selon :

  • Le genre
  • L’âge
  • Le gouvernorat
  • La CSP



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